Laura Christensen in Eurowoman
Laura Christensen wearing Rock On loops in Alt for damerne
Saszeline wearing Noble Lion Ring
Rock On hoops in Elle
Necklace in Elle
Design lab. The Jeweler behind Albrecht&Vera, Sigrun Uggerby´s collection "Larix- life in the woods" designed for the danish jewelry brand Kranz & Ziegler.
Drawing of Albrecht&Vera Jewelry by Carina Ellen
Showpiece jewelry for Underprotection SS´17
Showpiece jewelry for Underprotection SS´17
Drawing of Albrecht&Vera Jewelry by Carina Ellen
Showpiece jewelry for Underprotection SS´17
Albrecht&Vera Noble Lion earrings well represented in this little teaser for VisitDenmark & BoConcept.
Albrecht&Vera Jewelry in ChriChri Magazine.
Albrecht&Vera Jewelry in ChriChri Magazine.
Albrecht&Vera Jewelry in ChriChri Magazine.
Albrecht&Vera Jewelry in ChriChri Magazine.
Albrecht&Vera Jewelry in ChriChri Magazine.